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6 avis
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avis 4.83/5

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Emma Gardner

Cooking is also often carried out outside of personal quarters, for example at restaurants, or schools. Bakeries were one of the earliest forms of cooking outside the home, and bakeries in the past often offer the cooking of food provided by their customers as an additional service. Now factory food preparation is common.

Henry Potter

Cooking is also often carried out outside of personal quarters, for example at restaurants, or schools. Bakeries were one of the earliest forms of cooking outside the home, and bakeries in the past often offer the cooking of food provided by their customers as an additional service. Now factory food preparation is common.

William Jones

Cooking is also often carried out outside of personal quarters, for example at restaurants, or schools. Bakeries were one of the earliest forms of cooking outside the home, and bakeries in the past often offer the cooking of food provided by their customers as an additional service. Now factory food preparation is common.

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